Asian Academy of International Law
27 April 2023


The Role of Corporate Governance in Coping with ESG Challenges

Asian Academy of International Law
AAIL Foundation

When addressing global climate change and sustainability issues, one of the greatest challenges facing all mankind, the private sectors are playing an increasingly significant role, especially under the ideological shift of regarding corporates from being profit-making entities towards being an integral part of the whole community with its own share of responsibility to bear. In this light, Mr Adrian Lai introduced the six Principles for Responsible Investment. Then, Dr Anthony Neoh deliberated in a comprehensive manner on the taking shape of pertinent international law and order as well as various key Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standards and practices. The webinar concluded with a discussion on some notable cases and recent ESG litigation developments across different jurisdictions.

What attendees say

• Interesting, informative and very nice presentation.
• Great updates on the laws and cases.
• Related laws were considered and compared from international and Hong Kong perspectives in an in-depth manner.
• The origin of ESG and the rationale for corporates to promulgate ESG and corporate governance were clearly explained.

The Role of Corporate Governance in Coping with ESG Challenges

Dr Anthony Neoh SC JP