Chairman & Executive Director
New World Development Company Limited

Dr CHENG, Kar-shun Henry

Dr Cheng Kar-shun, Henry is the Chairman and Executive Director of Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited, CTF Services Limited, and New World Development Company Limited. He is also the Chairman and Non-executive Director of FSE Lifestyle Services Limited and i-CABLE Communications Limited, all of which are listed public companies in Hong Kong. Building on the Cheng Family business and investment legacy, Dr Cheng heads Chow Tai Fook Enterprises (CTFE), the flagship private investment holding company of the family. He is the Honorary Chairman of Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation, the private family foundation of the Cheng family.

Dr Cheng is also the Chairman of the Advisory Council for The Better Hong Kong Foundation and the Vice Chairman of Our Hong Kong Foundation. He was a Standing Committee Member of the Twelfth Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference of The People’s Republic of China. Dr Cheng was awarded the Gold Bauhinia Star and the Grand Bauhinia Medal in 2001 and 2017 respectively by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Dr Cheng holds a Bachelor’s degree in Arts and an MBA from The University of Western Ontario, Canada. He was conferred an Honorary Doctorate in Business Administration from The Johnson & Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island, USA in 1996, an Honorary Doctorate in Law from The University of Western Ontario, Canada in 1997, and a degree of Doctor of Social Sciences honoris causa from The University of Hong Kong in 2012, a Degree of Doctor of Business Administration honoria causa from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2018 in recognition of his achievements and contributions to society.