Asian Academy of International Law

Professor HUANG,


Asian Academy of International Law

Dr Huang Jiefang is Zhou Gengsheng Chair Professor of Wuhan University, a member of the Council of the Academy of International Law and Global Governance of Wuhan University. Previously, he was the Director of Legal Affairs and External Relations Bureau of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a specialised agency of the United Nations; Dean of the Law School of Civil Aviation University of China; Vice President of the International Law Association (Canadian Branch); Senior Teaching Fellow at the Institute of Air and Space Law, McGill University, Canada; a guest lecturer and member of Doctoral Opposition Committee of the Institute of International Air and Space Law, Leiden University, the Netherlands. He has delivered lectures or presentations in more than 20 countries, representing ICAO in various UN meetings, serving as one of the three members of the ICAO Joint Advisory Appeals Board.