Mr STARR, Paul

Partner, Practice Leader of Hong Kong Dispute Resolution/Infrastructure, and Joint Coordinator of International Arbitration Team

King & Wood Mallesons

Paul Starr is a previous winner of Asialaw’s Hong Kong Disputes Star of the Year. He is in the Legal 500 Hall of Fame and is joint coordinator of King & Wood Mallesons’ worldwide arbitration practice.

The Legal 500 describes Paul as: ‘Hong Kong’s pre-eminent construction lawyer, with unparalleled knowledge of construction law and a vast wealth of experience in East Asia and the Pacific, Paul Starr always delivers rock-solid legal advice and exceptional strategic insight with a canny knack of regularly identifying winning strategies’.

The Global Arbitration Review adds: ‘Simply the best lawyer for dispute resolution in construction and industrials in the East Asia and Pacific region’.

King & Wood Mallesons being China’s first international law practice, Paul has been honoured to represent a wide range of both PRC and international clients. His Hong Kong and Macao practice commenced in 1985 and thus covers many key projects: Hong Kong Airport; major roads, tunnels, rail and bridges; theme parks; reclamations; data centres; state-of-the-art environmental projects; hospitals; casinos; exhibition centres; and the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority. Outside of those regions, his practice spans the Belt and Road, Greater China, Guatemala, with Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, and India in between.

He is an accredited arbitrator/mediator with HKIAC, AIAC and HIAC, and arbitrator with CIETAC, SHIAC, SCIA, BIAMC.

Paul serves as Advisory Board member of the Asian Academy of International Law and the Hong Kong Red Cross, and on the professional services committee of Hong Kong Trade Development Council.