Department of Justice, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution
International Energy Charter
Asian Academy of International Law
The 2022 Investor-State Mediator Training was held as a virtual event, bringing together 43 mediators and government officials coming from 15 jurisdictions. Immediately after the Welcome Speech by Ms Teresa Cheng GBM GBS SC JP and the Opening Remarks by Ms Anna Joubin-Bret, Ms Frauke Nitschke, Mr James South, Dr Alejandro Carballo-Leyda, and Mr Wolf von Kumberg, led the Training to cover an array of issues pertaining to the mediation process and the conduct of mediation, ranging from addressing suitability and stakeholder’s concerns to design options and intercultural competency. As an important feature of this Training, participants were engaged in carefully designed role-plays to put mediation tactics into practice in different scenarios. The Training was then concluded with the Closing Remarks by Mr Adrian Lai. After the Training, we’ve been receiving very positive feedback from participants, saying that they have benefited greatly from this invaluable opportunity to exchange thoughts with peers and receive feedback from experts, helping them to consolidate mediation knowledge and hone mediation skills.
• The introduction of the essential aspects of investment mediation/role-play practice and coaching sessions were the most valuable.
• I was given the chance to see experienced mediators conducting the mediation process during role play. I had zero mediation experience, so this was an eye-opening experience.
• All aspects of the course were extremely useful and important. The coaches were highly experienced with the best knowledge to answer any questions. Especially valuable were the interactions and role play which gave the participants a chance to practice, experience and observe all phases of a mediation process.
• Invaluable feedback from the coaches after each mediation session. The role-play sessions were extremely helpful – we learnt more and became more proficient in our mediation techniques through practice; we also got to see other accomplished mediators in action and learn from them.