Asian Academy of International Law
05 May 2022


UNCITRAL Working Group III on ISDS Reform

Forum for Further Preparatory Work on Investment Mediation

United Nations Commission on International Trade Law,
Department of Justice, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,
Asian Academy of International Law

Preceded by the 2021 Inter-Sessional Meeting of Working Group III of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), the Forum for Further Preparatory Work on Investment Mediation drew to the stage an array of internationally acclaimed experts coming from the academic, legal and government sectors. While the Seminar on Investment Mediation presented insightful discussion on topical issues on the model clauses and guidelines on investment mediation to the public, the closed-door Roundtable Discussion provided a great platform for delegations to exchange views on UNCITRAL Secretariat’s draft treaty provisions and guidelines, furthering the development of the drafting work of UNCITRAL Working Group III.

What attendees say

• It fully met my expectations and widened my knowledge on this topic.
• It was helpful to establish the thinking mode of mediation in the business investment.
• The webinar discussed the hottest topics on ISDS mediation. With experienced speakers and practitioners sharing their views, thoughts and experiences on ISDS mediation, I learned a lot from the webinar and was indebted to the organisers, speakers and distinguished delegates.
• I like the panel discussion the most as speakers exchanged their views and opinions about investment mediation in the market. The moderator has also done a good job in facilitating the discussion.
• This was a very informative presentation. Speakers have substantial knowledges and interesting views on the topics.

Mediation and Investment Treaties: Designing Effective Options

Professor Susan Franck

In search of the optimal model for mandatory mediation in ISDS disputes

Ms Sun Huawei

Practitioner’s perspective on balancing between confidentiality and transparency in investment mediation

Mr Li Xiongfeng

The role of institutions in facilitating investment mediation for ISDS disputes

Professor Qi Tong

Unlocking the potential of mediation clauses guidelines for capacity building

Dr Anthony Neoh QC SC JP

Overcoming the challenges on the use of Online Dispute Resolution for investment mediation

Ms Pui-ki Emmanuelle Ta

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