
Department of Justice, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution
Asian Academy of International Law

2024 Investor-State Mediation Training

31 May –1 June 2024

2024 Investor-State Mediation Training (the Training) was held in Hong Kong, bringing together 30 delegates coming from 13 jurisdictions. This intensive two-day Training was led by leading experts – Mr James South, Mr Wolf von Kumberg and Professor Iu Ting-kwok MH.

The first day commenced with a Welcome Message by Ms Teresa Cheng GBM GBS SC JP (Founder and Co-Chairman of AAIL), followed by the Opening Remarks of Mr Paul Lam SBS SC JP (Secretary for Justice of the Hong Kong SAR). Then, the Training moved on to comprehensive sessions covering a broad spectrum of mediation topics, including an overview of the mediation process, suitability assessments, and stakeholder concerns.

On the second day, the focus shifted to enhancing mediation skills through lectures on intercultural competence that included modules on crafting effective opening statements, distinguishing between positions and interests of sovereign States, making strategic offers, and managing deadlock situations. Dr Anthony Neoh SC JP (Co-Chairman of AAIL) also provided valuable insights into the pivotal role of mediation in resolving investor-State disputes.

The Training was very well received as it introduced the landscape of investor-State dispute resolution, showcased practical application of mediation techniques as well as equipped government officials with essential mediation skills. Quoting one of the delegates, ‘This mediation training was very much an enlightenment to me and very useful to the ISDS case that I’m handling right now’.

What attendees say

• Excellent mix of theory and practice. High quality insights and good leads for further reading /research.
• It was comprehensive and well researched.
• A lot of valuable details delivered by every speaker.