Mapping the Way Forward
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Reform of investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) has been attracting much discussion in the international community in recent years. Even the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) has entrusted its Working Group III to work on this seminal subject.
ISDS Reform Conference 2019 was co-organised by the Asian Academy of International Law and Department of Justice of the Hong Kong SAR. With the theme Mapping the Way Forward, the Conference drew diverse audiences to benefit from the wisdom of an international team of highly esteemed speakers, comprising international investment law experts, senior officers of UNCITRAL and International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes of the World Bank Group, senior government officials of Asian countries, representatives of prestigious arbitration institutions as well as leading practitioners and academics.
This publication is a collection of presentations given at the Conference and papers contributed by a number of practitioners, covering a wide range of topics of ISDS reform.