19 Apr 2017

Privacy and Cyber Laws: A View from the Court of Justice of the European Union

Asian Academy of International Law

As the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is expected to take effect soon, it is deemed to constitute EU’s latest as well as a more uniform data privacy standard across the Member States. Focusing on the ‘right to be forgotten’ clause, one of the specific clauses under GDPR, this event featured Judge Christopher Vajda of the Court of Justice of EU and Ms Sandra Liu, Senior Legal Counsel of Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data of the Hong Kong SAR. While Judge Vajda discussed the Salvatore Manni case, Ms Liu expounded on the legality of systematic retention of internet data as well as data transmission to other jurisdictions with more lenient data protection regulations than that of EU. Overall, the presentations were well received by the diverse audience composed of academics, practitioners, in-house legal counsel, judiciary officials, and senior business leaders, who approved and appreciated the timeliness and relevance of this topic that has sparked high-profile debates around the world.