26 - 27 Oct 2017

The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization

Asian Academy of International Law

Since its formation in 1995, WTO has been playing a seminal role in economic globalisation in terms of defining and shaping rules of trade among nations, with its legal regime dealing with a wide spectrum of issues ranging from the regulation of services and investments to the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights. On this subject, this two-day workshop was convened and delivered by distinguished speakers in view to enhancing the understanding and appreciation of the purposes and functions of WTO. To start with, Professor Zhang Yuejiao, former Member and Chair of WTO Appellate Body, aptly outlined WTO’s law and policy and elaborated on the execution and the impact of certain trade restrictions. Following from that, Professor Julien Chaisse, a leading legal consultant and a faculty member of Chinese University of Hong Kong, offered a detailed and thorough analysis on tariffs, quotas and voluntary export restraints as well as applicable rules in the WTO system.
