19 Jul 2017
The Past and Future of the Investment Chapter of the 'ASEAN+6' Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
Asian Academy of International Law
Asian Academy of International Law
Along with the conclusion of the East Asia Summit in 2012, formal agreement was reached among regional leaders to launch negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), aiming to be the worldwide largest free trade bloc. Despite China’s major role in finalising RCEP negotiations as US withdrew from Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), there has also been the potentiality of States that remain signatories to TPP, such as Australia and New Zealand, steering RCEP towards harder rules and more formal organisational features, an arrangement against what some political economists expected. It was against this backdrop that Dr Luke Nottage, Professor of Comparative and Transnational Business Law at the University of Sydney Law School, was invited. This lecture furnished the audience with a thorough and comparative review of the practice in the investment treaties of Australia and New Zealand, before concluding with some feasible directions for the future development of the region.